Welcome to the Lemon Tree Drop Off Portal. Here you can discover more about your subscription.

Where to go.

Our Drop-Off location is located off of Jackson Street, between W. 26th and W. 27th Avenue.

This location is referred to as “The Wherehouse” (the pun being that it might be a little tricky to find and it’s also our warehouse. The entrance is directly across the street from the exit of Jackson’s Cabinetry.

The pubic easement will lead you to our warehouse and the bins where your glass will go. The easement does not lead through to another street. You will either have to back up the way you came or turn around past the warehouse and not drive backwards.

We are working on getting some signage to make all this a little easier.

What to do.

In front of the wherehouse are bins labeled for either green, clear, or brown glass. Not all bottle coloring fits into these three categories. When unsure, use your best judgement and make the final call on which bin to place them. Please, only put in glass that has been rinsed out with any lids, corks, or tops removed. If you forget to remove any of the lids, there will be a special bin for lids (and a special one for corks).

We are working on getting special tote bags to keep with you that will make weighing out and transporting your glass easier. Currently, we are working on the honor system. Please, try your best to only bring the amount of glass you subscription allots. And though this is a subscription service, please do not think of it like a Netflix subscription and give out your login information to just anyone.

Also, please do not leave your glass in a paper bag. Paper bags attract roaches.

When to drop off?

As subscription customers, our bins are always open to you. Feel free to drop off anytime you’re around. If you notice the bins are almost too full to put more glass in, let us know by sending a text or calling so we can work on those bins immediately. If the gates are open, we will help you carry your glass inside and show you the process.