Lesson Plan: Introduction to Recycling for 1st Grade


  • Students will understand the concept of recycling and its importance.

  • Students will identify common recyclable materials.

Materials Needed:

  1. Pictures or actual examples of recyclable and non-recyclable items. (e.g., plastic bottles, paper, aluminum cans, non-recyclable plastic items).

  2. Recycling bins or containers labeled for different materials (paper, plastic, aluminum).

  3. Chart paper and markers.

  4. Storybook about recycling (e.g., "The Adventures of Eco Boy").

  5. Craft materials (colored paper, glue, scissors) for a simple recycling craft activity.

Introduction (15 minutes):

  1. Start with a discussion: Ask students if they have heard the word "recycling" before. Write their responses on the chart paper.

  2. Show pictures or actual items of recyclable and non-recyclable materials. Discuss the differences and similarities.

Reading and Discussion (15 minutes):

  1. Read the selected storybook about recycling to the class.

  2. Discuss the story with the students. Ask questions such as:

    • Why is recycling important?

    • What items can be recycled?

    • How can we help the environment by recycling?

Activity - Sorting Materials (20 minutes):

  1. Set up recycling bins or containers labeled for different materials.

  2. Have a variety of items (both recyclable and non-recyclable) and guide the students in sorting them into the appropriate bins.

  3. Discuss the reasons behind each sorting decision.

Craft Activity (15 minutes):

  1. Have students create a simple craft project using recyclable materials (e.g., making a collage with cut-out magazine pictures or creating a recycled paper bin using colored paper).

  2. Encourage creativity and explain how they are reusing materials to make something new.

Closure (10 minutes):

  1. Review the importance of recycling and what materials can be recycled.

  2. Ask each student to share one thing they learned about recycling today.

  3. Remind students to practice recycling at home and share what they learned with their families.


  • Observe students during the sorting activity to ensure they understand the concept of recycling.

  • Review the craft projects to see if students were able to apply the concept of reusing materials.

Homework (Optional):

  • Encourage students to bring in one item from home that can be recycled and share why they chose that item.

Note: Adjust the timing and activities based on the specific needs and attention spans of the 1st-grade students.